Tag Archives: Dusty Shoes

Dusty Shoes the show!

Here is the 2015 show for anyone who didn’t get to see the LIVE show! And, thanks to Pat Martel there is a bonus pre-show interview and post show interview.

I decided to release this video as during this strange time of a pandemic we need as much theatre as we can get.

Thank you to all who gave me so much support in creating Dusty Shoes, and huge thank you to my director, Dean Fogal as you empowered me to actually do this.

Enjoy! (and remember… this was a piece for theatre and not for film)

And… another Dusty Shoes showing!

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, you have another chance to experience Dusty Shoes this Saturday night, September 12th at 8pm!

And, “Madame Rouge” and me have another opportunity to have fun with you. Saturday’s show will also offer you an opportunity to ask me questions during a talk back post show. We can discuss the actor/writer process, the content of the show, the duality of two languages (there is a gentle amount of French in the piece) or even talk about your own reactions during certain key moments during the show.

As a performing artist, I depend on audiences to complete my creative process. Without you, my art lies dormant. You are key. You are the reason I’m there.

Want to join me in a theatrical conversation that will definitely engage you? And, who knows… maybe you’ll be the one who receives a chocolate from Madame Rouge during the show!

Vive le theatre!

Poster Dusty Shoes September 2015

Dusty Shoes… still around!

And….. scene!

Dusty Shoes has had three shows in Prince Edward Island. Two at the Carrefour Theatre in Charlottetown, and one at the Kings Playhouse in Georgetown just last Saturday night.

We’ve had some excellent feedback and also some mixed feedback. I expected the mixed (“It wasn’t what I expected”) and always appreciate that there are still many people who “get” this strange show that presents itself like an abstract painting that pushes buttons.

My goal remains solid that people should be entertained but thinking about their own lives as they leave the theatre. Some of the delayed feedback I’m receiving shows me that I’m reaching people who are ready to make changes in their lives.

Doing Dusty Shoes at this time of my life has become even more significant to me than I expected! Having just lost my father in May, then a big personal relationship change on top of it is pushing my OWN buttons. Life, the non-linear voyage of stories.

Saturday September 12th, there is another chance to see Dusty Shoes at the Carrefour Theatre in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. This evening there will be a talk back where you will have an opportunity to ask questions to me, the actor/writer, about the creative process I undertook or about the content of the piece.

Hope to see you there…. and if not there, maybe in a town near you sometime soon! (Dusty Shoes is “bookable”)

Dusty Shoes PEI 2015

One more week until….

.. DUSTY SHOES opens in Prince Edward Island along with Amy and Rachel Beck!! You coming out? Prepare to meet Madame Rouge (she won’t let you off the hook) and see Trilby’s journey in her shoes… or is Madame Rouge in Trilby’s shoes? And.. just why ARE they dusty?


TICKETS for August 21st featuring Amy and Rachel Beck: ONLINE

TICKETS for August 22nd featuring Michael Jerome Browne: ONLINE

TICKETS for August 29th featuring the Popalopalots: AT THE DOOR

Dusty Shoes is….


After two intense years of care-giving, I’ve chosen to bring back Dusty Shoes. The idea was to give my father, Barry Jeeves, a gift of my performance this summer, but we didn’t make it. He died on May 10th 2015. However, I was able to read him Dusty Shoes in a quiet little room in the hospital when he was stronger and still sitting in his wheelchair. He was with me. And, I brought him Madame Rouge to hold onto last year. He liked her. A lot. 🙂

Madame Rouge et Papa
Madame Rouge et Papa


This dusty resurrection in August 2015 in… Continue reading Dusty Shoes is….

Electricity, EEK! & Edmonton…

Take two.

I happily finished my blog post for Dusty Shoes minutes ago, in a café, links, pictures and all. Then it disappeared. And, I forgot to save it to word.

Never again. (Of course, it was my most brilliant post! Ha!)

Time constraints now force me to summarize.

Made it to Edmonton safely via Suzie, my Suzuki, after a harrowing last four hours of torrential rain, black highways, low beams, and a massive electrical storm that had me… Continue reading Electricity, EEK! & Edmonton…

Resting is over, dear Thespian!


I had my time “off” between the two Fringes and now I’m gearing up for the Mammoth Edmonton Fringe Festival that launches with a Fringe Parade on the eve of August 15th! My first show is the day after at 2:45pm on Friday the 16th.

My “break time” felt odd. I felt slightly lost, I admit. Prior to the Regina Fringe… Continue reading Resting is over, dear Thespian!

Regina… wrapped!

A little overdue, this post.

But, I did take a well needed week off  of “computering” and the show. We took a leisurely time driving back from Regina to Vancouver. Had a few fun stops along the way. Rodeos, resting, re-uniting with family and friends, breathing in mountain air, picking cherries, eating el fresco, and coming back with fruit with which to make jam!

IMG_7781MdmR.on Prairies

Yes… we did it! And, our last show at 1:30 on Sunday was a rewarding standing ovation. To have a standing ovation for … Continue reading Regina… wrapped!

Reviews do help… get bums in seats!

Dusty Shoes had a nice review today from Sabrina Cataldo, a Regina Fringe Festival reviewer.

Thought I’d share it with you:

“A mini-review of DUSTY SHOES by Fringe social media liaison Sabrina Cataldo:

Dusty Shoes is a hidden gem of this year’s fringe. The colourful and outlandish Madame Rouge interacts with the audience and draws us in from the very beginning with her humour and larger-than-life presence. We soon learn that this buffoon character is the “inner voice from a past life” of Trilby Jeeves, a woman who must come to terms with… Continue reading Reviews do help… get bums in seats!

Ice broken, Stage Stomped… and Opened!

It is already day two of the Regina Fringe Festival and I can hardly believe we opened last night. Dusty Shoes….is…. open! We had our “World Premiere” to an intimate, eager, fun audience last night. And, they liked it. Whew. In fact, they loved it.

Fringe tickets

How was I feeling? Before the show, I was a mix of calm, excitement, disbelief, worry, shallow breaths, deeper breaths, and eventually, a feeling of “just go tell them the story”. And, that is what I focused on.

Was the critic anywhere near me, trying to deke me out? Oh yes… Continue reading Ice broken, Stage Stomped… and Opened!